For people with chronic angina – a condition that causes severe pain in the chest and, sometimes, shoulders, arms and neck – who are not candidates for bypass surgery or angioplasty, TMR offers a solution for debilitating pain.

TMR offers laser technology that cardiothoracic surgeons use to precisely cut small openings in the wall of the heart. This restores blood flow and oxygen and provides chest pain relief. The minimally invasive procedure is performed through a small incision on the left side of the chest. The hand-held laser device is positioned near the part of the heart that is deprived of oxygen, and the surgeon makes 1-milimeter cuts through the heart muscle into the chamber. The outside of the cut heals quickly, but the tiny incisions on the inside remain open, allowing blood to flow.

Patients should see immediate improvements in chest pain, exercise capacity and overall quality of life.

For more information about Parkridge Cardiothoracic Surgery or to schedule an appointment, call (423) 698-2435.